Friday Bake Sale

Assalam Alykum Dear Ladies,

There is no doubt that our Islamic Centre is playing a fundamental role to shelter us and keep us bonded as a cummunity. We could clearly see it in the month of Ramadan, where we all were sharing memorable spiritual moments, for us and for our children. We also gathered for the community Iftars, where we all witnessed a strong sense of sisterhood..Alhamdoulillah.

Having said that, we are all aware that our mosque needs funds to be sustainable and maintained in order to respond to our growing community needs.

I am soliciting your generosity to raise funds for the masjid by participating in the bake sale that takes place every Friday after Jumaa prayer and that is indeed very appreciated by a lot of our community members as it feeds hungry stomachs.

Please, when ever you can afford it, cook a dish or bake something and bring it/send it to the mosque for the bake sale to benefit our centre.

For logistics and to maintain a flow of donated food and baked goods, please contact in advance Sis. Ulfat who has been very dedicated in organizing this fundraising for a long time. You can reach her:

By phone: 613-531-8340 or
Via email:

Jazakoum Allah Khairan

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